1. The 5-fold Gifts
a) Ephesians 4:11 NKJV
"[11] And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers." These are unctions (not necessarily positions) in the body of Christ.
@1. The apostles are primarily the sent out ones. They do church planting, break hard grounds in places where the Gospel is not being reached before.
@2. Then come the prophets who receive messages from God and point the way for the church.
@3. Then come the evangelists who primarily win souls with signs and wonders and miracles. Souls saved are then added to the church.
@4. Then the church needs pastors to take care of the sheep. The primarily function of a pastor is to cast spiritual visions and to provide spiritual oversight. He is not an administrator for the church but someone who preaches and also teaches the Word and care for the spiritual well-being of his flock.
#1. If you have aligned yourself in this function and yet do not love the sheep even to the point of giving up your life for them, then you need to examine whether it is the call of God for your life. Your life is exemplary of Christ himself.
#2. The apostles, the prophets and the evangelists touch and go but the pastors stay on to face his flock. Thus, the function of a pastor is the most difficult one!
@5. Then the teachers feed the sheep with the word of God. They study to reveal the truth and thus, enable the church to grow in the Lord.
a) Ephesians 4:11 NKJV
"[11] And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers." These are unctions (not necessarily positions) in the body of Christ.
@1. The apostles are primarily the sent out ones. They do church planting, break hard grounds in places where the Gospel is not being reached before.
@2. Then come the prophets who receive messages from God and point the way for the church.
@3. Then come the evangelists who primarily win souls with signs and wonders and miracles. Souls saved are then added to the church.
@4. Then the church needs pastors to take care of the sheep. The primarily function of a pastor is to cast spiritual visions and to provide spiritual oversight. He is not an administrator for the church but someone who preaches and also teaches the Word and care for the spiritual well-being of his flock.
#1. If you have aligned yourself in this function and yet do not love the sheep even to the point of giving up your life for them, then you need to examine whether it is the call of God for your life. Your life is exemplary of Christ himself.
#2. The apostles, the prophets and the evangelists touch and go but the pastors stay on to face his flock. Thus, the function of a pastor is the most difficult one!
@5. Then the teachers feed the sheep with the word of God. They study to reveal the truth and thus, enable the church to grow in the Lord.
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