1. Is It True That There Is No God In Israel?

a) 2 Kings 1:2-4,6-8,16-17 TLB

[2] Israel's new king, Ahaziah, had fallen off the upstairs porch of his palace at Samaria and was seriously injured. He sent messengers to the temple of the god Baal-zebub at Ekron to ask whether he would recover. [3] But the Angel of the Lord told Elijah the prophet, "Go and meet the messengers and ask them, 'Is it true that there is no God in Israel? Is that why you are going to Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, to ask whether the king will get well? [4] Because King Ahaziah has done this, the Lord says that he will never leave the bed he is lying on; he will surely die.'" When Elijah told the messengers this, they returned immediately to the king. "Why have you returned so soon?" he asked them. [6] "A man came up to us," they said, "and told us to go back to the king and tell him, 'The Lord wants to know why you are asking questions of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron. Is it because there is no God in Israel? Now, since you have done this, you will not leave the bed you are lying on; you will surely die.'" [7] "Who was this fellow?" the king demanded. "What did he look like?" [8] "He was a hairy man," they replied, "with a wide leather belt." "It was Elijah the prophet!" the king exclaimed.

[16] "Why did you send messengers to Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, to ask about your sickness?" Elijah demanded. "Because you have done this, you shall not leave this bed; you will surely die." [17] So Ahaziah died as the Lord had predicted through Elijah, and his brother Joram became the new king-for Ahaziah did not have a son to succeed him. This occurred in the second year of the reign of King Jehoram (son of Jehoshaphat) of Judah.

b) The key message is this, "Is it true that there is no God in Israel? Is that why you are going to Baal-zebub (fly), the god of Ekron, to ask whether the king will get well?

c) Death is inevitable for everyone. When his time is up, he has to leave this earth. 

d) Who determines your time to go? Is it the critical situation you are in, or the deteriorating stage you are facing, or your final stage of near death? 

e) The fact is this: God determines your stay on earth. So, don't ever allow such negative thoughts to overshadow you.

f) Yes, we may go through the necessary medical treatments. But, still God has the final say. 

g) So, "5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV).

h) In God, there is always hope. Just like Job says, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him (Job 13:15 KJV). 
