1. Why The Church?

a) Why the Church? Because Jesus Christ died on the cross for her. He paid it with his blood and his broken body.

b) The church is the called out ones. The people that are separated and different from the world.

c) God has given the 5-fold ministry (the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher) for the church. Not the church for the 5-fold ministry.

d) The church is not about buildings, ministries, social works etc though they are necessary for the kingdom building. The church is about people. That's why Christianity is all about relationship with God and with man.

e) If we are swerved from this focus, we have missed the mark! And that's Sin, missing the mark!

f) Then, we begin to play church. We put much emphasis upon material things and programs rather than the spiritual well-being of the believers. We begin to act like the world and not according to God's highest standards. The end result is people are disillusioned and they leave church.

g) Why does God allow signs and wonders, even the 9 spiritual gifts? Because he wants people to know firstly he is God Almighty and secondly draw the unsaved to him.

h) Looking at all these, it is clear that God is very much interested in people and nothing else!
