a) I realize how essential it is to have a regular health check besides health watch especially for a person who reaches aged 40 onward. As we gracefully age in time, it is good to know our current health issues in life. Then, we can take prevention / remedial measures to counter it's deterioration. If not, we may find out something worse happens unexpectedly in one fine day. Our health issues may be worse than before. We may prematurely die for it!
b) Likewise, we need to have a regular spiritual heath check. At times, when we say things we may hurt the feelings of someone without realizing it. We may do things to disadvantage someone. We may plot, we may scheme at the expense of someone etc. Our heart and our thoughts are full of evil deeds. That's why Jesus has to died for our sins.
c) If we always keep watch over our spiritual health, we would be alright because we can immediately take preventive / remedial actions.
d) There are some who feel that they don't need to. Their arrogance will eventually cause them to fall. They would be worse than before. So, keep away from such people. Otherwise you may be influenced by them to do the same! May we have wisdom above! Amen!
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