1. Good News!

a) Are we preaching a good message or good news?

b) Many a time people are not touched or felt convicted after a message. Their needs are not met because there is no genuine conviction by the Spirit which demands a dramatic change in lifestyle. They only feel good about it! Their lifestyle remains the same as ever before!

c) What a sad sight to behold! It is as if God has abandoned his people! He is not at all in the midst! 

d) Why is this happening? Doesn't God want to come and meet his people? Or, are we a stumbling block to the move of the Spirit? We want to control everything and thus it prevents the Spirit from doing his work.

e) It is never too late to change if we are in this kind of situation!

f) Preach the word the way it is intended with no other ulterior motives except the motive of edification, exhortation and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). Always lift up Christ our Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:19-22)

@1. John 12:32 TLB
"[32] And when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw everyone to me."

g) Then, we can expect and see change! No longer the same as ever before! Amen!
