1. Boasting
a) There is so much boasting going round in Christian circles, and even in churches. So much publicity of their programs and works. Even you may notice a stain of cultist personality in the whole process.
b) As it says in the Scriptures, “If anyone is going to boast, let him boast only of what the Lord has done.” (1 Corinthians 1:31 TLB)
c) That's why personal encounter with Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary in Christian faith.
d) You have experienced it and nobody can dispute it. Your testimony is a proof of the reality of God for others to believe. There maybe some people who do not believe it. But, it is alright! You have served your purpose!
e) You have actually become a witness for Christ as you testify and boast of what God has done for you. Isn't this the best option?
f) What's more can a believer do? Except to be a witness for him.
g) The baptism of the Spirit helps you to become a better Christian, a better witness for Christ. And, that's essential as the Spirit gives you the boldness to stand up for Christ.
h) May your eyes be opened to this insight!
a) There is so much boasting going round in Christian circles, and even in churches. So much publicity of their programs and works. Even you may notice a stain of cultist personality in the whole process.
b) As it says in the Scriptures, “If anyone is going to boast, let him boast only of what the Lord has done.” (1 Corinthians 1:31 TLB)
c) That's why personal encounter with Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary in Christian faith.
d) You have experienced it and nobody can dispute it. Your testimony is a proof of the reality of God for others to believe. There maybe some people who do not believe it. But, it is alright! You have served your purpose!
e) You have actually become a witness for Christ as you testify and boast of what God has done for you. Isn't this the best option?
f) What's more can a believer do? Except to be a witness for him.
g) The baptism of the Spirit helps you to become a better Christian, a better witness for Christ. And, that's essential as the Spirit gives you the boldness to stand up for Christ.
h) May your eyes be opened to this insight!
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