1. Visions Of 300 And 44

a) Here is a testimony of a brother from Pakistan who has a personal encounter with the Lord after NUMBERS 300, 44 and 45 have been revealed to him.

Dear Bro. Tanny, 

On Monday (04/08/2014) night when you prayed for me and revealed to me NUMBER 300, the Lord had touched me and I decided to spend a few days praying over it. The Lord was gracious to let me see a vision for NUMBER 300:

"Firstly, I saw 300 LIONS standing, very calm, no roaring of any noise. I saw a caretaker of these lions presented to me a GOLDEN SHIELD. Then, I saw 300 EAGLES eating up 300 SNAKES. Just immediately after this, I saw 300 DOORS opened and 300 PEOPLES coming out from these doors, carrying crosses and marching towards a big field to have a big gathering."

Thereafter, I had a second vision:

"I saw 300 DAGGERS killing 300 LAMBS. Then 300 SWORDS were given to me to present to the 300 PEOPLES marching."

On Thursday (07/08/2014) night when you prayed for me again and revealed another NUMBER 44, I had a third vision:

"I saw I was riding on a black horse in a church. A red carpet was filled with NUMBER 44 along it. The black horse that I was riding on was kicking away all NUMBER 44."

On Thursday (14/08/2014) night, you revealed to me NUMBER 45. When I heard it, I was amazed and felt very encouraged to write out this testimony as NUMBER 45 seems to suggest that it would be "A NEW BEGINNING" for me to do what the Lord has put within my heart. Remember, the black horse was kicking away all NUMBER 44 until NUMBER 45 was revealed.

I wish to thank you for this and may God bless you.

