1. A True Son Indeed!

a) A son is someone who has been given an inheritance (or estate, property) after maturity age. His father trusts him. He is ready to make his own decisions. Whether good or bad, he makes his own decisions. Of course, being wise he seeks his father's counsel over matters having far reaching impacts. He takes his father's counsel and weighs over the matters. Eventually after having seen the whole picture, he makes his own decisions. Whatever the outcome, he is accountable, responsible and he owns up his actions. He is willing to take the blame, if any, and does not blame others for his poor actions. He is ever willing to sacrifice his position if he is deemed weak and jeopardizes others. He is teachable and willing to correct his own weaknesses in the eyes of others. He is someone seen to have made progress over the responsibility given. Others have witnessed it to confirm such a true picture. That's a true son! A true son indeed! 
